V1.23.125(+163): New Updates pushed on 06 July 2023

When we announced our app was available for international users, we did not seem to have made all the customizations necessary, so in the list of banks, we were showing the names of Nepali banks.

And also the currency was not reflecting correctly and for adding contacts the country code of Nepal was the default choice.

I understand this can be frustrating.

We sincerely apologize for the inconvenience. And we have made some major updates to sort all these issues and we assure you that we will be fixing other issues as per your suggestions as quickly as possible.

So here are the major updates:

  • We have revised the forget password flow for international users where they can verify their request using their social sign in account instead of entering an OTP received in the email.
  • Currency and country code will be reflected as per the nationality of the user (based on the country code of number used to sign up)
  • Parties can now be searched easily
  • Modified the reports for download as certain characters were not showing correctly
  • Now international users will be able to add the name of their banks on their own instead of having to scroll through the list of Nepali banks.
  • Bugs in the purpose search has been fixed
    And we understand you may have some complaints regarding the list of purposes but we are revising the purpose section completely to make it more universal.